The Thunderdrive Deluxe topdown photo
The Thunderdrive Deluxe topdown photo
The Thunderdrive Deluxe angled photo
Internal wiring and components
Thunderdrive Deluxe Packaging
The Thunderdrive Deluxe in use
Overdrive / Distortion Pedal

Adjusting volume control and gain controls provides a wide variety of tones in spite of its simple construction. The Turbo switch provides an additional boost in volume and less internally generated distortion. It is capable of overdriving the preamp section of your guitar amp or adding its own layer of distortion at lower volume. The current draw of this pedal is very low at 1.3 milliamps, allowing for long battery life.

Build Difficulty
Sound Samples
  1. The Thunderdrive Deluxe Sound Sample
The Thunderdrive Deluxe topdown photo
The Thunderdrive Deluxe angled photo
Internal wiring and components
Thunderdrive Deluxe Packaging
The Thunderdrive Deluxe in use
Technical Specifications
Dimensions: 4.425 × 2.685 × 1.215 in.
Height with knobs/extrusions: 2.050 in.